
Hi ,

Great teachers and coaches help us look at problems differently. They challenge common thinking.

Rob Hatch is a great coach, and he’s got a new book that flips the notion that we learn from failure. His book, Success Frames: Why Learning from Success Is the Key to Understanding What Motivates and Inspires Us, asserts that we learn more from success.

I’m in a mastermind group run by Rob, and he’s also coached me. I can’t count the number of times he asked me to think about what worked instead of hashing through mistakes. The point is to take processes that led to previous successes and repeat them.

Isn’t it more fun to recall your successes and build on them than to ruminate on how to avoid previous mistakes?

As we run out the clock on 2023, take some time to think about your successes this year and how you can apply what worked to your plans for 2024.

This Week’s Jargon: Lead Nurturing

As a business owner, what do you do when somebody signals they are interested in you and your products?

It depends on how close that person is to becoming a customer, right? If they walk into the shop intent on buying, you show show them the goods and tell them the price.

But what if your potential customers are still thinking about what they need? Or maybe they have a problem but don’t know how to solve it?

That’s when marketers go to work with what they lovingly call "lead nurturing." This email is one type of lead nurturing. You’re getting to know me and what I do, and if you ever need digital marketing for your business, you might think of me.

Networking is another form of lead nurturing. People get to know you and what you do, and when they need something you provide, they might think of you.

Lead nurturing is identifying challenges, teaching people how you can solve those problems, and then reminding them that you can help. Other types of lead nurturing:

  • Targeting ads to people who have already visited your website;
  • public speaking;
  • being interviewed on a podcast;
  • sending out a survey;
  • or making a how-to video for YouTube.

Nurturing can take longer to convert someone into a customer, but the process can also result in customers who are more confident in their buying decisions and more satisfied with their purchases.

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Until Next Time

The next newsletter arrives Dec. 19. It will be the last newsletter of 2023. I hope you are finishing strong and laying the groundwork for a prosperous and interesting 2024.
Please enjoy whatever holidays you celebrate this month. Be grateful. Be generous. Be patient. Love.

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Thanks for spending some of your time with me,. I appreciate you.


P.S. - This newsletter was created entirely by me, a human. If any parts of my newsletters are generated by artificial intelligence, I’ll disclose it here.

P.P.S. - Some links in this email might be affiliate links, which could generate small commissions for me at no extra cost to you.

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