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Employees of small and medium-sized businesses aren’t waiting for their bosses to provide artificial intelligence tools, according to a survey by Microsoft and LinkedIn (owned by Microsoft).

The 2024 Work Trend Index Annual Report says 80 percent of SMB workers are taking their own AI tools to work. Meanwhile, small business leaders are still trying to figure out if that’s a good idea.

For example, 79 percent of the small business leaders told the survey they believe adopting artificial intelligence tools is critical to their businesses remaining competitive. However, 61 percent also said their companies lack a vision and a plan to implement AI tools.

Too busy to think about it

The rapid improvements in generative artificial intelligence have squeezed small business owners into a tight spot. In general, they’re too busy running their businesses to think much about ways to use AI and write policies to govern the use of artificial intelligence.

Ironically, adopting artificial intelligence can help business leaders find the extra time they need.

Afraid relying on AI is a weakness

Another irony, according to the survey, is that even though small business workers are using AI tools in their work, around half are reluctant to admit they use them on important tasks. And about half believe using AI tools makes them look replaceable.

The survey results demonstrate the uncertainty about how artificial intelligence tools will affect employment. In a survey of all business leaders, 66 percent said they would not hire someone without AI skills, and 71 percent said they would hire a less experienced candidate with AI skills over a more experienced candidate without them.

So an employee is left to wonder, is using AI a benefit or a liability?

Less time to adapt

It will take some time before businesses and their employees settle into productive uses for generative artificial intelligence. Unfortunately, the tech is being adopted at what seems like light speed.

If you are leading a business, make a plan for AI. If you’re an employee, learn about AI and offer to help the boss create the plan.

In case you missed it 

Amy Foley at Inbound Back Office was kind enough to interview me on the Inbound Back Office podcast. Give it a listen. I’m sure you’ll be shocked to know that our topic was marketing jargon.

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Until next time

The next newsletter arrives July 2. Summer officially starts June 20, and much of the U.S. is already feeling the heat. June 30 is Social Media Day.

We’re also at the end of the first half of the year. How was your second quarter, and what plans do you have for Q3?

Until next time, be grateful. Be generous. Be patient. Love.

Thanks for spending some of your time with me, . I appreciate you.


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